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coastal pixel, terms and conditions policy

Terms and Conditions

A website terms and conditions agreement informs you, the client, of what to expect from my services or any other business we may conduct. A terms and conditions page is also known as terms of use and terms of service. If you need further clarification on my terms and conditions please do not hesitate to get in touch. 

Terms & Conditions for coastal Pixel.





I always do my best to fulfil your needs and meet your expectations, but it’s important to have things written down so that we both know what’s what, who should do what and when, and what will happen if something goes wrong. In this contract you won’t find any complicated legal terms or long passages of unreadable text. I’ve no desire to trick you into signing something that you might later regret. What I do want is what’s best for both parties, now and in the future for our business relationship to be a harmonious one. I'll work with you to create a fast responsive website that meets your objectives, speaks to your target market, and is easy to read and navigate.


So in short;

You (Client Name), located at Client Address are hiring me (coastal Pixel.), located at 2 St Andrews Road, Knodishall, Suffolk, IP17 1UP, to design and develop a website, SEO services, email marketing, logo design, artwork creation or any of my services. Of course it’s a little more complicated, but we’ll get to that.


What do both parties agree to do?

You: You have the authority to enter into this contract on behalf of yourself, your company or your organisation. You’ll provide me with everything I require to complete your project, as and when, and in the format I require it. You’ll review my work, provide feedback and approval in a timely manner too. Deadlines work two ways, so you’ll also be bound by dates we set together. You also agree to stick to the payment schedule set out at the end of this contract.

Me: I have the experience and ability to do everything I’ve agreed with you and I’ll do it all in a professional and timely manner. I’ll endeavour to meet every deadline that’s set and on top of that I'll maintain the confidentiality of everything you give me.


Revision Date: 1 JANUARY 2024


1.               Before the Work Starts

1.1              A specification is agreed before any work on a project starts. This will be decided together and will be determined before a price is given for the project. If I provide you with an estimate for work before a full specification is provided, this is only an estimate. The price may change when the full specification is decided. A full specification would normally need all website content to be provided and the functionality agreed.

1.2              After a specification is agreed, a price and estimated start and completion date will be provided to the client (providing deposits are paid on time).

2.               Payments and Deposit

2.1. After a price is agreed, a 50% deposit will be invoiced; it must be paid and cleared before any work starts.

2.2              The remaining 50% will be invoiced after my involvement in the project is complete, regardless of the involvement of other parties. The final payment of 50% must be paid within 7 working days (as specified on invoices) of my involvement in the project being complete.

2.3              If the project takes longer than 1 month, I ask for an interim payment(s) based on the work completed. Interim payment(s) will reduce the final 50% payment.

2.4              The deposit is only refundable if no work starts.

2.5              For smaller jobs, the deposit is at my discretion and may vary.

2.6              For a Website Health Check, I will send an invoice for the full amount and this needs to be paid before I start the work. There are no refunds.

2.7              If final payment is not received 14 days after invoice issued coastal Pixel. reserves the right to take down the site.

3.               Completion Date

3.1              I will make every effort to meet the agreed completion date. Sometimes, circumstances change and if for any reason I cannot meet the agreed completion date I will endeavour to notify you in plenty of time.

3.2              Any requests for extra work or changes to the project must be supplied in writing (for example, by email).

3.3              Requests for extra work or changes to the project specification after the specification is agreed, or are requested after the project has started, will affect the agreed completion date and agreed price. Any requests for extra work or changes to the project will be quoted for and, if agreed, will be invoiced in advance as an interim payment.

3.4              If, for whatever reason, the client would like to move the completion date to an earlier time than agreed, a “rush fee" will apply, although this will be agreed before the rush work is started.

3.5              In addition to testing and checks that I carry out, it is the client's responsibility to check over the finished project.

4.               Technical Standards

4.1              I build the Wix website [Wix Editor or Wix Studio] to follow current web standards (within the agreed specification and budget). It will be tested to support the latest versions of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari and Google Chrome. If you need further browser support, this should be discussed at the start of the project and can be included in the original quote and price.

4.2              I test the site on Windows platforms.

4.3              If the site specification includes a mobile device friendly design (a responsive design), I will test the site on Android smartphone, tablet, and an Apple iOS device. Other testing can be arranged but will add to the costs.

5.               Proofing for Artwork, social media graphics, logos and infographics only.

5.1              I will supply you with either a hard copy or PDF proof.

5.2              Whilst I endeavour to provide a thorough, error-free service, it is the sole responsibility of the client to check all content of said proof – including spelling, grammar, punctuation and use of images – unless otherwise stipulated by blue skies website design.

5.3              I will provide the client with up to three proofs, unless otherwise agreed at commencement of the project. As a guideline these proofs should progress through the following stages:

Proof 1: amendments to general design/layout (including image usage) Proof 2: corrections to text (including grammar and spelling)

Proof 3: (final proof) check all content thoroughly and sign off in writing or via email. Blue skies website design cannot accept liability for errors within the copy beyond this stage.

5.4              Due to differences in equipment, paper, inks and other conditions between colour proofing and production runs, a reasonable variation in colour between colour proofs and the completed job will be deemed acceptable unless otherwise agreed.

5.5              All reasonable efforts shall be made to obtain the best possible colour reproduction on customer’s work but variation is inherent in the print process and it is understood and accepted as reasonable that independent business resources shall not be required to guarantee an exact match in colour or texture between the customer’s photograph, transparency, proof, electronic graphic file, previously printed matter or any other materials supplied by the customer and the printed article the subject of the customer’s order.

6.               Web Hosting Costs

6.1              Web hosting is payable yearly in advance or monthly by standing order. You must notify me by email to cancel. No refunds are given if hosting is cancelled.

6.2              Web hosting accounts will be suspended a week after the invoice is due if payment has not been received. This means that a website won't be visible to visitors. It can be restored on full payment of the invoice.

There are separate Terms of Use for Web Hosting.

7.               Domain Names

7.1              Domain names are purchased on your behalf and you own the name.

8.               Payment Terms

8.1              I ask for payment within 7 days for completed web design projects. For other work, e.g smaller web development jobs, it is 14 days.

8.2              For the Website Health Check, the terms are immediate payment before the work starts.

8.3              I am not VAT registered.

8.4              Paying the first 50% deposit acts as an agreement for the above terms.

8.5              Paying for smaller jobs or my Website Health Check also acts as an agreement with the above.




The failure or delay of independent business resources to exercise or enforce any right in these Terms and Conditions, Anti-SPAM Policy, Acceptable Use Policy and High User Resource Policy, in every instance does not amount to a relinquishing of our rights. Current copies of the Terms and Conditions will be available on my website. Changes to the Terms and Conditions will be announced on the coastal Pixel. web site. Failure to receive notice of a change does not invalidate any change. By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the Acceptable Use Policy, the Anti-SPAM Policy and High User Resource Policy, you have agreed to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of the Agreement and by that, any subsequent agreement or policy, and that there are no circumstances where deviation from the agreed Terms and Conditions is permitted. Please be aware that failure to carry out your obligations under this Agreement could be seen as a breach of contract, leading to the termination of Services provided by coastal Pixel website design.

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